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Over a 8 year period of War from 1937 to 1945, roughly 932 people died per day for Japan. Since Japan invaded the U.S.A., in which they suffered the majority of their casualties, over a 4 year period, 1863 civilians and soldiers per day. On average the U.S. lost 287 people, almost all soldiers, per day.

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Q: What was the death toll per day of the Japanese and US during World War 2?
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Did people die during World War 2?

People die in all wars. The World War II death toll was around 60 million.

What was the effect on the Japanese during world war 2?

During World War II, the Japanese lost over two million soldiers, and over half a million civilians. Some of their cities were ruined. As, well as this, the Japanese lost a lot of government leaders. The war also took a huge financial toll on the nation.

How many died Japanese in World War 2?

Military deaths claimed 2,120,000 people and there were about 580,000 Civilian deaths, leaving a Total death toll of about 2,700,000.

What was the death toll for Europe after World War 2?

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Did bombing reduce the death toll world war 2?

Yes, fighting the Japanese hand-hand on their own soil could have changed the whole outcome of the war had it been necessary.