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In the year of 1513, Vasco Nunez de Balboa led a party across the Isthmus of Panama. After weeks of hacking through thick rain forest, Balboa emerged on a cliff and became the first European to look out onto the Pacific Ocean.

But before that and since then, the Pacific Ocean was otherwise known by Pacific Islanders from Rapanui (Easter Island) to A'otearoa (New Zealand) as Moana Nui. Moana Nui was bustling with trade and migration between many of the islands that had been settled perhaps 2000 years ago. in 1400s, China and what is now South America (before NOT having been discovered by Columbus), had established trade.

The Europeans were late-comers to the party, and they enjoyed the Pacific so much, they took it for themselves and never left. Many people would like those old colonizers to go back home.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Vasco Nunez de Balboa reached the Pacific Ocean in 1513. He was the first person from Europe to accomplish this feat.

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He was trying to find a sea route to Asia but instead he landed somewhere else like Christiphor Clumbos

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Q: What year did Balboa discover the Pacific Ocean?
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What did Vasco Nunez de Balboa reach when he crossed the country of Panama?

He reached the Pacific Ocean, in the year 1513, and he became the first European to see the Pacific Ocean which he claimed and all of its shores for Spain.

Did Francisco Pizarro discover the Pacific ocean?

The Philippines was already inhabited by natives and people from Malaysia and Indonesia when the Spanish expeditions sent to conquer and colonize it arrived in 1521 and 1565. There was on-going trade with China, Thailand, Cambodia and other neighboring countries. The people were organized into tribes and had their leaders, laws and "armies." Granted that it was "discovered" by Ferdinand Magellan, the evidences that exist are the reports of the Spanish chroniclers.

Who was Vasco Nunez de Balboa and what did he do?

Born in or near the year 1457, the Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa was the first European to see the eastern shore of the Pacific Ocean. He sighted the ocean in 1513 from a mountaintop in what is now Panama. Upon reaching the shore, Balboa waded into the ocean and claimed it and all its shores for Spain. Balboa was born in Jerez de los Caballeros, Mexico. As a young boy, Balboa had two dreams: to be a famous explorer and to be an Olympic fencing champion. His Olympic dream never materialized, but his ability with the sword was to serve him well in battles throughout his career. Following the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus in 1492, Balboa joined an expedition to South America in 1501. One year later Balboa found himself on the island of Hispaniola trying without success to make a living as a pig farmer. It seems that the native Indian population worshipped the pig as a god and neither they nor the Spanish settlers would eat an animal thought to be a god, no matter how tasty. The Voyages of Vasco Nunez de Balboa (Click to enlarge) Several years later, in 1510, Balboa enjoyed a change in fortune when he became acting governor of Darien. From there he led expeditions into Panama, conquering some Indians while allowing other, more friendly, Indians to open gambling casinos. In 1511 friendly Indians told Balboa of a land called Tubanama where he could find much gold. The Indians told him this land was located across the mountains near a great sea. Hoping to please King Ferdinand of Spain with an exciting discovery, in early September 1513, Balboa led an expedition from Darien. The Panama Canal was temporarily closed due to a strike by native workers, so Balboa and his 190 Spanish followers were forced to take the difficult land route. After a three week journey, during which the expedition lost all radio contact with their home base, Balboa found the great sea he had longed to see: the Pacific Ocean! Sadly, Balboa was to live only a few more years. A jealous rival falsely accused Balboa of treason to the king, and in January 1519, he was tried and sentenced to death. He was publicly beheaded in the town of Acla in Panama, which he had established only a year earlier. Fortunately, Balboa's children were not left penniless because they were able to sell their father's game-used armor, the same armor that their famous father wore when he waded into the Pacific Ocean, on for a tidy sum.

What was the year Columbus' first voyage across the pacific?

Christoper Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492!

When did Ferdinand Magellan discover the Atlantic Ocean?

around the year the Egiptians discovered that they couldn't walk any further.

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What year did Vasco Nunez de Balboa discover th pacific ocean?


What year did Balboa first encounter the Pacific Ocean?

Balboa first encountered the Pacific Ocean on September 13th of 1513. :D

What did Vasco de Balboa accomplish?

He was the first european to see the Pacific Ocean in the year 1513.

What accomplishments did vasco nunez de balboa?

He was the first european to see the Pacific Ocean in the year 1513.

What year did Columbus discover the Eastern Pacific?

Columbus never discovered the eastern Pacific Ocean.

What did Vasco Nunez de Balboa reach when he crossed the country of Panama?

He reached the Pacific Ocean, in the year 1513, and he became the first European to see the Pacific Ocean which he claimed and all of its shores for Spain.

What caused balboa to search for an ocean west to the Americas?

1513The 16th-century Spanish conquistador and explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa (1475-1519) helped establish the first stable settlement on the South American continent at Darién, on the coast of the Isthmus of Panama. In 1513, while leading an expedition in search of gold, he sighted the Pacific Ocean.

What year did Vasco nuez baboa discover the pacific ocean?

he is best known for having crossed the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific ocean becoming the first European to do so.

Where did vasco de nunez balboa explore?

He explored the area now known as the country of Panama. He was also the first European to see the Pacific Ocean in the year 1513.

What year did balboa search for gold lead to the discovery of the pacific ocean?

1513The 16th-century Spanish conquistador and explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa (1475-1519) helped establish the first stable settlement on the South American continent at Darién, on the coast of the Isthmus of Panama. In 1513, while leading an expedition in search of gold, he sighted the Pacific Ocean.

What year did Vasco Nunes de Balboa find America?

Vasco Nunez de Balboa discovered the Atlantic ocean on 1513