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Bloody Sunday was on the 22nd of January, 1905.

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The Bloody Sunday of January 22, 1906 took place on and near the street known as the Nevsky Prospekt near Tsar Nicholas II's Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia.

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Q: What was the date of Bloody Sunday in Russia?
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What was the date of Bloody Sunday?

There have been many days which have been called Bloody Sunday. In Russia, there was one on the 22nd of January 1905. In Ireland there was one on the 21st of November 1920 and another on the 30th of January 1972.

What street was Bloody Sunday in Russia on?

the bloody sunday occured from the british army who shot at 26 protesters and killed them all

What year was Sunday bloody Sunday?

Sunday bloody Sunday happened on January 30th 1972

The 1905 massacre of protestors outside the czars palace in St Petersburg Russia is known as what?

"Bloody Sunday"

Who was the last romanov on bloody Sunday?

Tsar Nicholas II Romanov was the reigning Tsar on "Bloody Sunday" in Russia in 1905 in St. Petersburg.

Why was a bloody Sunday a turning point for the Russians?

bloody Sunday was a turning point because it killed the people's faith and trust in the tsar (tsar is leader in Russia)

When did the soldiers start firing at the marchers on Bloody Sunday?

When the bloody aunday happened in January 24 in Russia

What was the result of Bloody Sunday in Russia in 1905?

the Russian Revolution 12 years later

The 1905 massacre of protestors outside the czar's palace in St. Petersburg Russia is known as?

The massacre is known as Bloody Sunday.

Who was Russia's leader during the Bloody Sunday Massacre?

The Tsar at the time of Bloody Sunday was Nicholas Romanov II

What was the result of Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg in 1905?

Caused workers throughout Russia to call strikes.

When was Sunday Bloody Sunday created?

Sunday Bloody Sunday was created on 1983-03-11.