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September 1, 1764

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Q: What was the date for the quartering act of 1763?
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Related questions

How was the proclamation of 1763?

The quartering act

How was the proclamation of 1763 enforced?

The quartering act

How are the stamp act and the sugar act connected to the quartering act and the proclamation of 1763?

American Revolution

In the wake of the Proclamation of 1763?

I think it's the Quartering Act, the Sugar Act, and the Stamp Act. In a shorter answer: The Intolerable Acts.

What was the date of the Quartering Act?

june 2, 1774

Was the Quartering Act enacted before or after the French and Indian War?

Yes, the Stamp Act was passed in March and the Quartering Act in June.

When did the quartering act take place?

The quartering act is the act that allowed the British soldiers to be quartered, or housed, in the colonist's homes. The colonists also had to feed, give them clothes, and take care of them until they felt that they didn't want or need to stay there anymore.

6 causes of the American Revolution?

There were many major events that took place that resulted in the American Revolution. Ten of these events include the French and Indian War, the Proclamation of 1763, the Sugar Act, the Currency Act, the Committees of Correspondence of 1764, the Quartering Act, the Stamp Act, the Townshend Acts, the Tea Act, and the Boston Tea Party.

Was the navigation act after the quartering act?

no the navigation act was before the quartering act

What came first the stamp act declaratory act or the quartering act?

the quartering act

Which British act in the American colonies required colonists to harbor British soldiers?

Quartering Act

When was the quartering act of 1765 repealed?

the Quartering act was repealed in 1770