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Approximately 2,000 jets were lost in the war, discounting the destroyed B52's, each jet averaged about 1 million dollars apiece.

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Q: What was the cost of weapons development during Vietnam?
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Today's prices; $700 Billion.

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How much did a movie cost during the Vietnam war?

About 2 dollars sounds right.

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See: Vietnam war statistics

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Vietnam took time and attention away from the war on Poverty. Hope this helps!

How much do nukes cost?

The cost of a nuclear weapon can vary significantly depending on factors such as the design, complexity, and delivery system. It is estimated that the cost of building and maintaining nuclear weapons programs can range from hundreds of millions to billions of dollars. This includes costs associated with research, development, testing, production, and maintenance of the weapons.

What was the cost to the US of the Vietnam war?

See website: Vietnam War

How much does a viedo game cost in Vietnam?

some 60$ dollar games cost like 5 buck in vietnam

What was the Estimated financial cost of the Vietnam War to US?

See website: Vietnam War

What was Total cost Vietnam war?

The total Cost of the Vietnam War was around 200 billion dollars. no it was over 350 billion dollars

How much does a fighter jet cost in Vietnam?

Excepting the F105 which was the largest single engine jet in the US inventory during the war, the average SINGLE engine jet cost roughly a million dollars.