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Q: What was the congressional act of 1862?
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Which 1862 act gave large tracts of land to people that were willing to move?

Homestead Act of 1862.

When was the Homestead Act act passed?

It was in 1862

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When was the homesteader act passed?

It was in 1862

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The Homestead Act of 1862.

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Was the Homestead Act passed in 1862?

yes, it was passed may 20th, 1862.

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a congressional act enabling a state to join the union

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It is the congressinal act that states "do your own quiz."

What is act of admission?

a congressional act enabling a state to join the union

What act of congress in 1862 encouraged settlement in the west?

The Homestead Act.

What year did the homestead act started?