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The Three Estates.

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Q: What was the class system called in the French Revolution?
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What was the slogan of the middle class in the French Revolution?

The slogan for the french revolution is Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite.

In french which was a major result of the French revolution?

A major result of the French revolution was that the middle class gained political influence.

How did the French Revolution of 1848 benefit workers?

The French Revolution allowed for the working class an opportunity to gain wealth and elevate to the next higher class level, instead of a society represented by the rich class and poor class.

French society after ther French Revolution?

it was separated into three classes first class - clergy second class - nobles third class - peasents

Who were the bourgeoisie during the french revolution?

middle class people

What was the name of the middle class during the French Revolution?

The Burgeois.

How were the french and American revolution alike and different?

The French revolution was a class struggle and social revolution similar to a civil war. The American revolution was a colonial insurrection in which the colonies were fighting for autonomy.

Was the American Revolution a class struggle?

No, the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution were class struggles. The American Revolution was a war for independence from a tyrannical super power who was taxing the fledgling colonies unfairly and excessively.

What caused the Revolution of 1830?

Cause of French RevolutionThe French Revolution was caused when King Louis XVI was taxing the Third Estates class but, not the frist or second estates class leaving them to get richer and richer.

What was the proper named for he soical clsses in the french revolution?

High class: Middle class:Bourgeoisie Lower class:

Are the Defarges members of the french nobility in the story A Tale of Two Cities?

No, they are in fact members of the lowest class in French society, the class that initiated the Revolution.

What was the name for the french working class revolution living in the city?

The French working class (a.k.a. the bourgeoisie) was represented in the Estates General by the 3rd Estate.