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a large palace

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Q: What was the center of each Minoan city?
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The center of each Minoan city was .?

a large palace

Knossos was a?

a large Minoan city

Knossos was .?

a large Minoan city

What was at the center of each city-state?

at the center of each city-state was a temple, called a ziggurat, surrounded by courts.

Who lived Knossos?

Knossos is a city in Crete and it is believed to be the cultural and religious center of the Minoan Civilization. Legend says that a labryinth was built at Knossos to house the Minotaur.

What is the palace city of the king of the Minoan civilization?


Where did the geographical center of influence shift when the Mycenaeans came to power?

From Minoan civilisation.

What was the center of Minoan civilization?

on the island of Crete, with important like Knosos, Malia and etc.

What city was the center of a powerful culture in 1500 BC?

Greece is considered the birthplace of Western civilization. The first mainland Greek civilization is the city of Μycenae. During this time, 1500 BC, a rich and powerful society developed. History often refers to it as the golden age of gods and heroes.

What Palace-city of the king is in the Minoan civilization?

I think you're referring to Knossos.

What was the central city of Minoan civilization?

Knossos and it was the capital

What was the difference between Minoan and Mycenaean societies?

The Minoan Civilization was earlier, identified particularly with Knossos on Crete, and was probably destroyed by the volcanic eruption and tsunami that destroyed what is now Santorini island. The Mycenaean civilization is identified with Mycenae and is the civilization that was created by the survivors of the Minoan Civilization when their cultural center was destroyed.