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Q: What was the ceded territory that English got?
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How did The United States acquired the territory of Florida by?

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When did the Australian Capital Territory come into existence?

The NSW government ceded land for the new Australian Capital Territory to the Commonwealth Government, and the Australian Capital Territory was founded on 1 January 1911. However, until 1938, it was called the Federal Capital Territory. The Naval territory of Jervis Bay was ceded in 1915.

When did the Australian Capital Territory gain self government?

The NSW government ceded land for the new Australian Capital Territory to the Commonwealth Government, and the Australian Capital Territory was founded on 1 January 1911. However, until 1938, it was called the Federal Capital Territory. The Naval territory of Jervis Bay was ceded in 1915.The NSW government ceded land for the new Australian Capital Territory to the Commonwealth Government, and the Australian Capital Territory was founded on 1 January 1911. However, until 1938, it was called the Federal Capital Territory.

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What country did Puerto Rico come from?

It became a US Territory after it was ceded by Spain to the US.

Who was the president of territory ceded by great Britain in 1818?

U.S President: James Monroe

Which state ceded the lands that made up the Southwest Territory to the US?

North Carolina

What was the congressional act that opposed the extension of slavery into any territory ceded by Mexico was?

The Wilmot Proviso is the answer

How large is Northwest Territories?

The Northwest Territory covered more than 260,000 miles. It was ceded to the United States at the end of the Revolutionary War.