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Q: What was the cause when the English settlers won the war and gained control of most of New England?
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What does New York mean in English?

It is in fact English.New York was originally called New Amsterdam by the Dutch settlers. When England gained control under the Duke of York during the 17th century the name was changed to New York in reference to him.

What country gained control of canada?

The English gained Canada 100% under his control .

Who gained control of the channel of water between England and France and the North Sea?

It's was England who gained control by defeating the French fleet of the cost of the Netherlands.

When the English gained control over New Netherland?

England gained control over the New Netherlands twice. The first time was in 1664, when four English frigates sailed into the colony's harbor and demanded its surrender. In 1673, a Dutch fleet of 21 ships returned to the colony and recaptured it. Despite this victory, the Netherlands' were defeated in Europe and surrendered New Netherlands to England in 1674 when they signed the Treaty of Westminster.

Who gained control of Canada after the French and Indian war?

An English Army captured the last French Army and when the French and Indian War ended. England controlled Canada.

When did English become the language of the US?

English became the official language of the United States through the adoption of the English language in the 18th century when the nation gained independence. Additionally, the first English settlers in the early 17th century established English as the predominant language in the American colonies.

Why was it easy for England to take control of New Amsterdam?

It began as a matter of trade, as Dutch merchants at sea gained control of most European shipping. This led to war between England and the Netherlands, one fought entirely at sea, and which didn't really solve anything. At the beginning of a second war, England's King Charles ordered that New Netherlands, a collection of settlements governed from New Amsterdam, be taken by England and made part of his kingdoms. In taking New Netherlands, England gained more room for its own colonists and ended a constant series of conflicts between English and Netherlands settlers. It also gained ports with established trade routes, improving their position in competition with the Netherlands. The Netherlands took their colonies back, but they were retaken again by the British, who had realized the worth of these new possessions and made them part of New England.

Identify two effects of the Glorious Revolution on the English monarchy.?

the colonies gained their independence from england

Result of the French and Indian War?

One result of the French and Indian War was that France lost all of its possession in North America. England gained control of Quebec and Spain gained control of Louisiana.

When English gain control over new Netherlands?

England gained control over the New Netherlands twice. The first time was in 1664, when four English frigates sailed into the colony's harbor and demanded its surrender. In 1673, a Dutch fleet of 21 ships returned to the colony and recaptured it. Despite this victory, the Netherlands' were defeated in Europe and surrendered New Netherlands to England in 1674 when they signed the Treaty of Westminster.

Prior to the start of the Hundred Years War who gained control of the channel of water between England and France and the North Sea?

England had control over the channel of water between England and France prior to the start of the Hundred Years War.

Who lost the most territory from 1753 to 1763?

France. In 1763, the English gained all land to the East of the Mississippi River, and Spain gained all land to the West of the Mississippi River. Because of this Spain lost their colony of Florida to the English. The French land was split between the English and the Spanish. But the Proclamation of 1763 forbade the English settlers from crossing the Appalachain Mountains. So, the English hardly gained any land. They handed their lands West of the Appalachians to the Indians living there.