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Because the Germany people thought they should unite and have a election.

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Q: What was the cause of the Berlin Wall being knocked down?
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When was the Berlin wall knocked over?

It is considered that the Berlin wall was knocked over on the 9th November 1989, but there was still parts of the wall left.

When was the Berlin Wall knock down?

The Berlin wall was knocked down on the 9th of November, 1989

When was the Berlin Wall put up and when was it knocked down?

The Berlin Wall was put up in 1961 and torn down in 1989.

Who knocked over the Berlin wall?

Both the East and West Germans

Who sang on the Berlin wall the day it was knocked down?

David hasselhoffi

When did the fall of the Berlin wall happen?

November 9, 1989 was the day the wall was knocked down,

How did the Berlin Wall fall down?

It didn't fall down it was knocked down.

Who wanted the Berlin Wall knocked down?

the bad guys that don't like walls

When did Berlin Wall got knocked down?

The fall of the Berlin Wall began on November 9, 1989 marking the start of the German Reunificaion. It was officially started being dismantled June 13 1990 and concluded November 1991. I think it needs saying the Berlin wall was knocked down as a result of the unification of Germany: This came about because Russia decided the Warsaw Pact countries were beyond its economic necessity.

What did the collapse of the Soviet Union have to do with the Berlin Wall?

The collapse of the Soviet Union made it possible for the Berlin Wall to be knocked down so people could travel between East Germany and East Berlin easily.

Who knocked down the Berlin Wall?

Both the East and West Germans. No one really wanted that wall there, so they drew all over it and they climbed over it even though the East Germans put up the wall. But no one in East German liked the wall.

Who famously sang on the Berlin wall just before it was knocked down?

David Hasselhoff sang "I've been looking for freedom" and recently complained in an interview that he had received no credit for his role in bringing about the falll of the Berlin Wall.