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the growing American support for social equality

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Q: What was the breakdown of pre war barriers to the enlistment of African Americans and women?
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What U.S. Naval leader commanded amphibious warfare assaults on Italy and southern France?

The breakdown of pre-war barriers to the enlistment of African Americans and women was due to wartime necessity and else? the growing American support for social equality

How did Washington change his enlistment policy during the revolution?

by allowing FREE African Americans to join the army

Was What an impact World War 2 had on African Americans?

It broke down racial barriers because of the high demand of jobs.

Barriers to voting faced by African Americans in Mississippi in the 1950's and early 1960's?

Literacy tests and Poll Taxes.

What has the author Martin W Pellum written?

Martin W Pellum has written: 'Air Force recruiting' -- subject(s): African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Recruiting, Recruiting, enlistment, United States, United States. Air Force

Was it hard for African Americans to learn to read and write in the 1800s?

In general, it was illegal to teach a slave to read/write. For free African-Americans, there were practical barriers such as time and money. Keep in mind that for most of the 19th Century literacy among whites was also relatively low.

What has the author Francis Asbury Shoup written?

Francis Asbury Shoup has written: 'Policy of employing Negro troops' -- subject(s): African American troops, African Americans, Confederate States of America, Confederate States of America. Army, Recruiting, enlistment, Slaves

What is Alaska's demographic breakdown?

White Americans make up 69.3% of the population, American Indian and Alaskan Natives make up 15.6% of the population, Asian Americans are 4% and African Americans are 3.5%. German Americans are the largest ethnic group and 4.1% of the population is Hispanic.

Did Jazz form from Native Americans or African-Americans?

african americans

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Yes, African Americans did create paper. (Go African Americans!)

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African Americans who stood up for themselves - Apex