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it is a tacit that the Nazis used when attacking an enemy, they would attack the front of the enemy and the circle around and flank them from behind.

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Q: What was the blitzkrieg of France?
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When did blitzkrieg go in France?


What was Germany's rapid invasion on France an example of?

Blitzkrieg .

What country did Germany use the blitzkrieg attack on?

Sudetenland ,Austria,Poland,France........

What nation did Hilter began his blitzkrieg?

France. Although Poland was the first country conquered.

Who created blitzkrieg?

The military operation known as blitzkrieg was developed by Heinz Guderian of the German Army. Guderian lived from 1888-1954 and lead troops in Poland, France, and Russia.

Was France in the blitz in world war 2?

That depends, if by 'the blitz' you mean the Blitzkrieg tactics, France may have been subject to that before its eventual conquer by Nazi forces.

What happened to France after the phony war?

After the Phony War, Hitler turned his sights on France. He launched his blitzkrieg and quickly took Paris and trapped the bulk of Allied forces at Dunkirk. It is known as the Battle of France.

What unit did Rommel command during the France blitzkrieg of 1940?

The Seventh Panzer Division Or better known as the Ghost Division

What led France and Britain to declare war against Germany to began world war2?

Germany's blitzkrieg against poland

What was the first nation to fall to Blitzkrieg?

The first use of true blitzkrieg tactics by the German Wermacht was during the invasion of France. For many years it was thought that Poland was the first to fall to blitzkrieg tactics, but modern historians and tacticians now believe that the invasion of Poland was carried out by the use of more traditional military methods.Big Skynerd

Which countries involved?

Between 1939 and 1940, Germany used the strategy of blitzkrieg on - Poland - France - Belgium - Holland - Denmark - Luxembourg

How tall is Blitzkrieg?

Blitzkrieg is 5' 10".