Only the B-47 Stratojet and B-58 Hustler (depicted in film: FAIL SAFE) never saw combat in Vietnam. All other US Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Army aircraft saw service in Vietnam: F100 Super Sabre, F101 Voodoo, F102 Delta Dagger, F104 Starfighter, F105 Thunderchief, B52 Stratofortress, B57 Canberra, B66 Destroyer, A1 Skyraider, A4 Skyhawk, A6 Intruder, A7 Corsair II, F4 Phantom, F8 Crusader, C123 cargo planes, C119s, C130 cargo planes and AC130 Spectre Gunships, SR71 Blackbird, O1 Bird Dogs, O2 Skymasters, OV-10 Broncos, DC3/C47 cargo planes/puff the magic dragon gunships, F5 Freedom fighters, T28 Trojans, and the U2.
All US Military aircraft were used in the Viet War except for:
1. The B58 Hustler (seen in the film "Fail Safe."
2. F106 Delta Dart (similar to the F102 Delta Dagger flown by former President George Bush Jr. while serving with Texas Air National Guard).
3. B47 Stratojet.
Of all the war jets fighting in Vietnam only the F100 Super Sabre fought the longest from 1961 until 1971. The F100 was also the favorite "jet" by the ground troops as it came in the lowest and loved to strafe (with its 20mm cannons). The favorite warplane of the grunts was the propeller driven A1 Skyraider as it carried the most ordnance and stayed on station the longest.
Approximately 2,000 fixed wing aircraft were lost; approximately 5,000 rotary-wing aircraft were lost.
Communist North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam
During the Vietnam War, the US Army had the largest helicopter force in the United States.
Up until the end of the Vietnam War; Sailors manned ships; Airmen manned aircraft; Men manned tanks; and Men filled the ranks of infantry regiments.
Vietnam escalated like a cancer. From 1955 thru 1964 Vietnam was a guerrilla war fought in South Vietnam by US military advisers and Special Operations men (Green Beret and SEALs). From 1964 thru 1975 the war was fought, in addition to the above, by conventional forces (Tanks, Artillery, Infantry, Jets, Bombers, Aircraft Carriers, Cruisers, Destroyers, and one battleship) in both North & South Vietnam.
The countries that were actually "physically" involved, and were bombed or had US aircraft crash into them, whether they were "officially" in the war or not, were: Lao's, Cambodia, North Vietnam and South Vietnam.
Approximately 2,000 fixed wing aircraft were lost; approximately 5,000 rotary-wing aircraft were lost.
The USS Oriskany was an aircraft carrier. It was in both the Korean and Vietnam War. It was designed to hold between 90 and 100 airplanes. It would hold up to 2,600 crew members.
The Vietnam War escalated from a Viet Cong guerrilla war to a war involving regular Army units of the North Vietnamese Army; including jet aircraft combat between US Air Force/US Navy jet fighter planes against North Vietnamese Air Force fighter aircraft.
Best war movies ever.
Communist North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam
Timely troop movements, troop support, supplies, and strategic air stikes.
During the Vietnam War, the US Army had the largest helicopter force in the United States.
By aircraft and watercraft
Spad 13
Yes indeed; Skyhawks played key roles in the Vietnam War, the Yom Kippur War, and the Falklands War. They were a superb low level strike aircraft and have used by many air forces around the world. In Vietnam they were used from US Navy carriers.