do your own work don't use these answers they are made by random people
Yes, Queen Elizabeth II visited Ghana during her reign as monarch.
Shakespeare was during Queen Elizabeth I's reign. Queen Elizabeth restored the Church of England to official power during Shakespearean times. Her predecessor backed the Roman Catholic Church.
If by "the Elizabethan society" you mean all the people who lived in England during the reign of Elizabeth I, yes, Shakespeare was one of those. He was born in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, who died when he was 39.
the boyars
do your own work don't use these answers they are made by random people
Yes, Queen Elizabeth II visited Ghana during her reign as monarch.
During the reign of Queen Elizabeth the discoveries were made that they brought back potatoes and tobacco leaves.
Shakespeare was during Queen Elizabeth I's reign. Queen Elizabeth restored the Church of England to official power during Shakespearean times. Her predecessor backed the Roman Catholic Church.
The word 'reign' is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'reign' is a word for the power and authority of a monarch; the period during which a sovereign rules; the period during which someone or something is predominant; a word for a thing.Examples:The reign of Elizabeth I was forty five years. (noun)A prince will reign following Elizabeth II. (verb)The noun form of the verb to reign is the gerund, reigning.
He was born during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and died during the reign of King James I.
The Elizabeth I reign is seen as the Golden Age of the monarch. She brought stability to the country, and there was structure to the government.
The defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 was a major victory for England during Elizabeth's reign. Catholic Spain and Protestant England were rivals.
The time during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I was called the Elizabethan period.
Shakepeare was born in and spent the first 39 years of his life in the reign of Elizabeth 1 of England.
During the course of her reign Elizabeth I had over 400 Catholics executed.
She executed Mary who was the Queen of Scotland.