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Q: What was the attitude of the house of burgesses toward the local native Americans?
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The dutch were not interested in converting them.

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native americans believed nature was sacred. white settlers believed nature was a resource

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native americans believed nature was sacred. white settlers believed nature was a resource

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To: Allowed the wilderness to remain pristine

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We pity them because most of them live in such poverty.

What similarity developed between the English attitude toward the Irish and the English attitude toward Native Americans?

A lot of hostility towards both parties and used the same tactics to brutally remove them from their lands.

Why----Rafael is compiling a book What is the subject of the book What does this suggest about his attitude toward native Americans or Indians?

Help it's for school :'(

How did the attitude of Native American and white settlers toward nature differ?

native americans believed nature was sacred. white settlers believed nature was a resource

What was the attitude of the puritans toward the Native Americans?

i dont know i am sorry im looking for this answe too can any one help please

What what was Columbus attitude toward the native Americans?

He wrote in his diary that he had met the Native people of Hispanolia and thought they would make good slaves. He wasn't sure they were human and was positive they were inferior.