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Q: What was the approximate unemployment rate four years after the stock market crash?
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What was one impact of the stock market crash and the Depression on American society?

record high rates of unemployment

In point form lists the causes of the Great Depression?

Stock Market Crash Drought Plauge of locust Unemployment

What event was the catalyst of the Great Depression?

Stock Market Crash

What event is often considered to be the starting point of the great depression?

(apex) black tuesday

What was a result of the stock market crash farmers problems and the overuse of credit?

The country entered a depression as the result of the stock market crash.

Did the stock market crash happen in the 20th century?

The Stock Market Crash happened in 1929 on Black Tuesday.

What is the stock market crash seen as the beginning of?

If you are referring to the stock market crash of 1929, that was the beginning of the Great Depression.

What were the results of the 1929 stock market crash?

at the end of the stock marketday on thurs. oct,24 the market was at a selling panic attack. the profit flew down and that was the result of the Stock Market crash

What event is considered the start of the Great Depression?

The stock market crash of 1929. novanet - stock prices crashed when millions of shares of stocks were sold

The president during the 1929 crash stock market was?

Herbert Hoover was president of the United States during the stock market crash of 1929.

Do you think the nation would have experienced depression even if the stock market had not crashed?

Yes. The stock market crash did not cause the depression. Instead the economic crisis and the depression caused the stock market crash

In 1929 what did the stock market crash into?

The term "stock market crash" means the prices dropped so low and so quickly, they were basically worthless. The crash caused panic among investors. The market didn't physically crash into anything.