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Diocletian created the tetrarchy (rule by four). He appointed the fellow general Maximian as co-emperor who took charge of the western part of the Roman Empire and he took charge of the east. These two men became senior emperors (Augusti) with the appointment of two junior emperors subordinated to them.

Diocletian realised that he could not rule the empire on his own. There had been a history of emperors being murdered, invasions of the empire and rebellions in parts of the empire. Having two men in charge improved control over the empire.

The two junior emperors were instituted due to invasions and rebellions. One of them, Galerius, dealt with invasions in the Danube area of the frontiers, a rebellion in Egypt and an invasion by the Persians. The other, Constantius, dealt with an usurper who was trying to take over Britain and northern Gaul.

With four men in charge, Diocletian managed to stabilise the empire and fend off invasions.

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Q: What was the advantage in the form of government Diocletian's created when he came into power?
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