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The Vasa is a 17th century Swedish warship. She set sail on her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628. Just after her sails caught their first breeze, she tipped over, capsized and sunk in Stockholm harbor as all the spectators watched in Horror. Later investigation determined the Vasa was top heavy. The vessel had been built with a second gun deck, complete with large cannons, an unusual and untried for the times. The builders had failed to add sufficient ballast rock to her keel to compensate for the added weight. With her gun ports open, she quickly filled with water and sunk when the first winds caught her sails and caused the ship to list to one side.

The Vasa sat at the bottom of Stockholm harbor for 333 years. In 1961, she was rediscovered, raised and floated on her own keel to what is now a museum in Stockholm built specifically for the Vasa. The ship is 95% original and contains the oldest known sails still in existence in the world.

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The Vasa was built top heavy and unstable, she was swamped by large waves less than a mile into her first voyage.

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What was the vasa?

The Vasa is a 17th century Swedish warship. She set sail on her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628. Just after her sails caught their first breeze, she tipped over, capsized and sunk in Stockholm harbor as all the spectators watched in horror. Later investigation determined the Vasa was top heavy. The vessel had been built with a second gun deck, complete with large cannons, an unusual and untried design for the times. The builders had failed to add sufficient ballast rock to her keel to compensate for the added weight. With her gun ports open, she quickly filled with water and sunk when the first winds caught her sails and caused the ship to list to one side. The Vasa sat at the bottom of Stockholm harbor for 333 years. In 1961, she was rediscovered, raised and floated on her own keel to what is now a beautiful museum in Stockholm built specifically for the Vasa. The ship is 95% original and contains the oldest known sails still in existence in the world. There is a web site on the Vasa at

What happened in 1628?

One noteworthy occurence in 1628 was the sinking of the new Swedish ship, the Vasa. The Vasa was on its maiden voyage when it listed to one side, at least twice, due to not having enough ballast. The ship sank and 50 people lost their lives. The ship was salvaged in the 1960's.

Who is a famous Swedish ruler?

Gustav Vasa and Karl XIV Johan (Jean Baptiste Bernadotte) would be the most famous ones.

Which ship sank in 1912 on its maiden voyage?

The Titanic and Vasa sunk on their maiden voyages.

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What is the vasa and when did it sink?

The Vasa was a Swedish navy ship that sank on August 10, 1628.

What was the Vasa when did it sink?

No one knows exactly but the closest researchers got was around 1942 on the western coast.

What was the vasa and when did sink?

Vasa was a Swedish warship that submerged after sailing less than a nautical mile during her maiden voyage. She sank on August 10, 1628, just outside the Stockholm harbor.

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