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The Government had the full backing of the vast majority of the informed public and the Army had more volunteers than they needed. More important perhaps is that troops had the blessing of public opinion.

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Q: What was the US public opinion of the Spanish-American war?
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Did Cuba Guam and the Philippines become US possessions after the SpanishAmerican War?

Platt Amendment Foraker Act

How did the zimmerman note affect American public opinion about the war?

The Zimmerman telegram to the German ambassador in Mexico was saying Mexico should enter World War I on the side of the Central Powers. This will get the US to fight on two fronts if it entered the war. If Mexico followed this telegram, it could've gained some of the land it lost during the Mexican-American War in 1846, like California, Nevada, Texas, Arizona, and other states in the region. Since the British intercepted the telegram and reported it to the US, this shifted US public opinion to pro-British and anti-German.

Should the United States have entered world war 2 before the bombing of pearl harbor in 1941 Isolationist vs Interventionist?

NO. Because US Public Support (before Pearl Harbor) was not sufficient to wage this expensive, brutal & horrific war. The Japanese attacks changed US public opinion. The US was also waging a justified (they attacked us first) war .

What is the hardest war that US won?

My opinion....The Civil War.

What was the US response when world war 1 started?

When WWI began, the US was largely divided on the issue on entering the war and remained neutral for the better part of it. However, when German U-Boats began attacking US ships, military or civilian, public opinion gradually turned against Germany. The final straw was when the US intercepted a transmission from Germany to Mexico telling them to attack the US to keep them out of the war. After that, the US joined the war.

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How did the public opinion of the US contribute to the US's failiure in the Vietnam war?

The "public" was being drafted into military service; which influenced public opinion, which in turn influenced the protests and riots against the war.

Did Cuba Guam and the Philippines become US possessions after the SpanishAmerican War?

Platt Amendment Foraker Act

How did public opinion in the US of contribute to US's failure to win the Vietnam war?

It lowered morale.

How did the US government influence public opinion about the war?

Question needs to be more defined. What war is being referred to?

At the outbreak of both world war 1 and World War 2 in Europe public opinion in the US generally favored?


What had the greatest impact on the US decision to enter world war 1?

pearl harbor. (that's WWII, not WWI). Public opinion was the main factor that kept the U.S. out of the war during this time. As soon as public opinion/view of the war altered, then President Woodrow Wilson deemed it necessary to interfere.

How did the zimmerman note affect American public opinion about the war?

The Zimmerman telegram to the German ambassador in Mexico was saying Mexico should enter World War I on the side of the Central Powers. This will get the US to fight on two fronts if it entered the war. If Mexico followed this telegram, it could've gained some of the land it lost during the Mexican-American War in 1846, like California, Nevada, Texas, Arizona, and other states in the region. Since the British intercepted the telegram and reported it to the US, this shifted US public opinion to pro-British and anti-German.

What was the purposed of the committee on public information?

The purpose of the Committee on Public Information was to try to sway public opinion in the US in favor of supporting America getting involved in the First World War. The committee was established in 1917.

What was the effect of the Zimmerman Telegram on World War?

It affected public opinion, and helped convince US leaders to send American troops to fight in Europe.

Should the United States have entered world war 2 before the bombing of pearl harbor in 1941 Isolationist vs Interventionist?

NO. Because US Public Support (before Pearl Harbor) was not sufficient to wage this expensive, brutal & horrific war. The Japanese attacks changed US public opinion. The US was also waging a justified (they attacked us first) war .

What is the hardest war that US won?

My opinion....The Civil War.

Did the Government care about what happened to Europe before the US entered the war?

The US government cared deeply about what was happening in Europe and did as much as they could to help Britain but American public opinion was strongly against getting involved 'in someone elses war'.