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American involvement was very limited. but contributed greatly to the future Cold War. America feared any form of government which would question the superiority of capitalism, just like the Soviets would come to fear anything that would question the superiority of communism. America along with its ally Great Britain helped the White Army (anti-Bolshevik) fight the Red Army. They primarily provided food and supplies, hardly giving any man-power. The Red Army was added by other pro-revolutionary armies of countries that would soon either become part of the USSR or satellite nations of the Communist government. Hope It Helps, I'm not one hundred percent sure, but i believe British forces aided the White Army in a battle, but i dont recall the specifics, so don't quote me on that

(In fact intervention included 13000 from USA, 12000 from France, 40000 from Great Britain, 50000 from Tchecoslovaquia, 28000 from Japan, 10000 from Estonia, 12000 from Poland.... and some other minor contributions from Canada, Australia, Serbia, Romania...) This afforded a major contribution to help the Whites and in controlling the transiberian railway.

It is interesting to read "Siberian Adventures" written by W.S. Graves, the chief of the american corps and his respective opinions about the Whites and the Red. There were no satellite nations of URSS at the time, so no help from other countries on the red side.

The defeat ot the Whites maybe explained in their multiple objectives and in the terrible exactions they exerted against the population (see Grl Graves).

The Cold War will begin 30 years later and it is difficult to see a direct connection. Another point should be underline: that the defeat of the Whites and of the allied armies incited later (from 1930) the western powers to find an alliance with Germany against Soviet Union, a policy which helped a lot Hitler to come and stay at the power, to attack Tchecoslovaquia (with the help of Poland bytheway) ...

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