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The Red Army was a nickname for the Soviet Army.

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Q: What was the Red Army in world war 2?
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What countyr led the red army during World War 2?

The army of Russia was called the red army during world war two. and the leader of Russia at the time was their dictator Joseph Stalin

What was the name of the Soviet Army during World War 2 which defeated the Germans in the Battle of Stalingrad?

Red Army.

Why were the chechens deported in world war 2?

The deportation Chechens was during the Second World War, just after the Red Army reconquered territories occupied by the German army.

Who had the largest army in World War 2?

It's quite hard to decide who had the best army during world war 2. the main armies which were the best was the Waffen SS and the Red army. These 2 army groups fought long and hard for couple years. the Waffen SS belong to Germany and the Red army Belong to the USSR aka Soviet union. Waffen-SS was an Elite army of other 1 million soldiers. The Waffen SS soldiers were trained to be killing machines with guns and/or tanks. During World War 2 the Waffen-SS was German's keen main Tank army branch because the SS Tank commanders and gunners were trained to destroy anything from buildings to enemy tanks with pin point accuracy's. This was effective during the war because this helped Germany to fight against the Americans in the West and the Soviets in the East. The German Panzer divisions were perfectly trained to destroy their enemy's tanks and how to get the most effective damage out of each of their tank's ammo. The Waffen SS were trained to manage any battle in any terrain. The Waffen-SS Infantry were extremely skilled, during some battles of world war 2, they were out numbered but they still fought on and won battles, this show how well trained the Waffen SS were. Whiles for the Red Army, the Red Army were also skilled and elite as the Waffen-SS. the Red Army were taught how to counter attack and how to make effort with their defences. During World War 2 the Red Army destroyed 80% of Germany's army which were captured or killed during the War. Through out the war, the Red Army were knew well of the rapid counter attacks and impressive defence strategies. the Red army was able to get better tanks out to defeat the German tanks. the Red Army were best skilled in the Infantry part because of how they were able to manage in Sub Zero temperatures and Harsh Terrain. You could also think that the US Army had the best army in World War because of their Naval and Air Forces. The US did end the Pacific theatre of World War 2 by dropping 2 Atomic bombs into Japan cities. Also, America did had a good air force during the war because of America had the most aircraft carriers in the entire war. America did had a Good infantry squad but it wasn't as good as the Waffen SS nor the Red Army's infantry.

Who are the reds in World War 2?

The term "Reds" usually referred to the Soviet Red Army, but was sometimes used as a general term for Russians.

Related questions

What countyr led the red army during World War 2?

The army of Russia was called the red army during world war two. and the leader of Russia at the time was their dictator Joseph Stalin

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Red army made them surrender

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Red Army

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World War 2 finished in 1945

What was the name of the Soviet Army during World War 2 which defeated the Germans in the Battle of Stalingrad?

Red Army.

Why were the chechens deported in world war 2?

The deportation Chechens was during the Second World War, just after the Red Army reconquered territories occupied by the German army.

What were the conditions during World War 2 for American soldiers?

Nothing compared to the Red Army. US army would not have survived what the Red Army lived through. USA where the lucky ones.

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well it was called the red army ... they all died in the nucler bomb

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300,000 women served in World War 2 in both the military, the Red Cross, the USO, and in civilian jobs. Most of them were in the military.

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