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They were exploited by the British and the French in both the French and Indian War and during the Revolution. The lost much and gained nothing for their efforts.

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Q: What was the Native Americans' Role in the American Revolution?
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What role did native Americans play in the revolution war?

it's a multiple choise. A. They allied themselves with the British, who had tried to protect them against American encroachment. B. They allied themselves with the Americans, since the British had failed to protect them from American encroachment. C. Most tribes officially maintained neutrality but secretly aided one side or the other. D. They divided in allegiance, just as many white Americans did.

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they fought in the military service. -by jaliyah francois

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there were no such thing as Americans back in the french revolution

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The role they played in religion was by sharing all believes

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The role of oral tradition has been vital in Native American history. Native Americans had no writing system so the only way to pass down history and folk lore was through the tradition of oral story telling.

What did the native Americans have to do in the American Revolution?

The same thing that any mother would have to do, generally speaking. Children (at least in most tribes) were cared for by the old and in-firmed, this allowed for the younger to work to provide for the tribe. Unlike Euro-American societies that push their old away, tribal societies used them for the role they were best suited for; teaching the young how to be adults and keeping an eye on them at the same time.

A historian is writing a book about American history but the main point he wants to convey is other American history books have minimized the role Native Americans Why?

Historical Argument

What role did Great Britain play in the conflict between the US and Americans Indians on the western frontier?

The british hoped to limit american settlement by supplying Native americans with guns and ammunition.

What role did the male Native Americans have in their tribes?

They hunted and fought.

What was the role of the native Americans in new Spain and Plymouth?

That they worked

What role did Britain play in the conflict between the US and American Indians?

Great Britain was always supportive of Native Americans on the western frontier of the thirteen colonies. In the Proclamation 1763, the Crown closed off the frontier to colonial settlement. After the Revolution, the British gave weapons to Indians.