After Prime Minister Asquith introduced his Home Rule Bill for Ireland into the House of Commons in 1914, the members of the Ulster Unionist Party knew the House of Lords could no longer save them from Home Rule due to the recent adoption of the 1911 Parliament Act. The Unionists, led by Edward Carson and James Craig approached Major Fred Crawford to import guns and ammunition from Germany into Ulster for their Ulster Volunteer Force [U.V.F.]. Crawford hired two ships to transport arms from Hamburg to the North. The main operation took place on the 24 April 1914, when the two ships landed 20,000 rifles and 4,000,000 rounds of ammunition in Larne. The British Authorities turned a blind eye. What was obvious was that if Home Rule had come into force the Ulster Unionists [Loyalists - that is loyal to the Crown] would have turned these guns not just on the opposition but on the Crown Forces.
Larne Technical Old Boys F.C. was created on 1950-05-30.
A man with a gun.
a tranquiliser gun
It was much easier to defend a trench because you were behing cover and camped in to your position unlike the attackers who were running across open plains and were constantly loosing men and getting shot down by machine gun fire.
It didn't replace any gun, it was the first rapid fire weapon to be made.
Larne F.C. was created in 1889.
23 miles taking this route:Take M2 to the NORTH from Belfast to A8 to LARNE at JUNCTION 4.Follow signs to A8 to LARNE. Take A8 to Larne.
Larne Patrick was born on 1988-11-03.
Larne Grammar School was created in 1886.
Larne Grammar School's motto is 'Fulfil your promise'.
Larne High School was created in 1957-09.
Larne Town railway station was created in 1862.
Larne Harbour railway station was created in 1862.
There are three such services. P&O operate ferry services from Troon to Larne and from Cairnryan to Larne. Stena Line operates ferries between Stranraer and Belfast.
Larne Technical Old Boys F.C. was created on 1950-05-30.
Running Gun Blues was created on 1970-05-22.