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Fuchida ordered Mizuki to send back to the carrier Akagi, the flag ship of 1st Air Fleet, the code words "Tora! Tora! Tora!" (? tora is Japanese for "tiger" but in this case "To" is the initial syllable of the Japanese word totsugeki meaning "charge" or "attack" and "ra" is the initial syllable of raigeki meaning "torpedo attack"). The three word message meant that complete surprise had been achieved in the attack.

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16y ago

Fuchida ordered Mizuki to send back to the carrier Akagi, the flag ship of 1st Air Fleet, the code words "Tora! Tora! Tora!" (虎 tora is Japanese for "tiger" but in this case "To" is the initial syllable of the Japanese word totsugeki meaning "charge" or "attack" and "ra" is the initial syllable of raigeki meaning "torpedo attack"). The three word message meant that complete surprise had been achieved in the attack.

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