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The Elizabethan Era? (or since Queen Elizabeth practically rebirthed England, it can be called the Renaissance Period)

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13y ago
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Victorian era; reign of Queen Victoria; 19th century

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Elizabeth ascended the throne in 1558 and died in 1603. Some people incorrectly extend the period through 1642 which are actually the Jacobean and Carolingian periods.

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What was the Elizabethan era also called?

The Elizabethan Era was also called ( and known as) The Golden Age

Why was this period called the Elizabethan?

Queen Elizabeth was the ruler!

What Period was Shakespeare Living?

Shakespeare was born in 1564 in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and which is called the Elizabethan period. She was the last monarch in the Tudor period. Shakespeare lived until 1616 in the reign of King James I, the first king in the Stuart period. His reign is sometimes called the Jacobean period. This time is also sometimes known as the English Renaissance.

What was queen elizabeth the firsts period called?

the elizabethan era

What time period did William shakespeare live in what was this time period called?

It's called the Elizabethan Age or the English Renaissance.

Why was it called the Elizabethan period when she was a Tudor?

In honour of her long and illustrious rule (1558 - 1603), the Elizabethan period was named after herself: Elizabeth I, although she was the last of the Tudor monarachs.

What was pre Elizabethan?

Pre-Elizabethan was the time Queen Elizabeth I lived. It was also called the Elizabethan time.

In the last half of the 16th century why was it identified as the Elizabethan period?

The last half of the 16th century is called the Elizabethan period is because Elizabeth I was the queen. Even though she was not queen for that entire period, she was very influential.

What is the period in which Shakespeare wrote?

It can be said that he was writting in the Queen Elizabeth's era or also known as "The Golden Age".This period, and some years before and after are also known as The Renaissanseor it is the Elizabethan eraThe era in which Shakespeare lived is sometimes called the Elizabethan Era.

What was the time of Elizabeth 1st called?

The time during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I was called the Elizabethan period.

Which period in history was referred to the Elizabethan era and why?

The period in history known as the Elizabethan Era was called that because Queen Elizabeth I was the ruler of the English Empire. It began in the year 1558 and ended in 1603.

When was William Shakespeare's era called?

William Shakespeare lived during the Elizabethan Period.