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Yes , The Declaration of Sentiments was based on the constitution. it was written by women's rights leaders and followed the same format as the declaration. But it was changed to show how women were treated unfairly , instead of originally showing how Britain was treating America unfairly. It also changed the line " We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal" to "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and women are created equal". So yes the document was based of the constitution and was an important document in the fight for women's rights.

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Q: What was the Decleration of Sentiments and Resolutions based on?
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What is the central idea of the decleration of sentiments and resoultions?

The central idea of the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions is to advocate for women's rights and equality, using the Declaration of Independence as a model. It calls attention to the injustices faced by women in society and demands equal rights in areas such as education, employment, and voting.

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The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions called for an end to all laws that discriminated agaisnt women.

What was the Seneca Falls Declaration of sentiments resolutions?

Womens suffrage ie womens rights

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The document that influenced the Seneca Falls convention was called The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions. Seneca Falls was the site of the first women's rights convention in the United States.

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The decleration of independence was written on July, 4 1776.

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i sure he did sign the decleration of indepence

The Declaration of Sentiments written in 1848 primarily based its arguments on which fundamental constitutional principles?

the Declaration of Independence

On what historical document was the declaration of Sentiments based?

The Declaration of independence was based on a document written by George Mason. It was The Virginia Declaration Of Independence.

Which sentiments in the original draft of the declaration of independence did the author agree with-?

The principal author of the original draft of the declaration independence, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, agreed on the sentiments that based it on the form of the United States Declaration of Independence.