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Q: What was the Confederate plan to pay for the war and keep the Southern economy afloat?
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Why did the Confederates grow weaker during the US Civil War?

The Confederate armies fought valiantly, however, the North had a much large army and had an industrial base to keep its forces supplied. The smaller Southern population could not afford the casualties the North was able to absorb. Thus, the Southern armies grew weaker, even when victorious. Since the war was fought primarily in the South, the Confederate economy suffered as farms and their small industries became destroyed by invading Union armies.

What happened to the horses of Confederate soldiers?

at Apppomattox Court House it was said the rebs could keep their horses to be used for farming.

In what ways did the economy of the southern colonies depend on the practice of slavery?

The southern states used unpaid labor, slavery, for their businesses. With no labor costs, they were able to make hefty profits.

What was the confederate's war strategyduring the Civil War?

The Confederate strategy during the Civil War was simple. They fought:To defend states' rights against what they saw as an intruding federal government.To make sure that the North did not bully the South into forging an economy similar to the North's.To ensure that the institution of slavery survived so as to keep the economy intact (a goal that was advocated by the wealthy plantation owners).To defend their soil against the Union armies that invaded it.To try and have foreign nations such as England and France recognize their independence.

What war did Ulysses S. Grant surrender to Robert E. Lee?

The Confederate soldiers were given food and were allowed to keep their horses.

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The Department of the Treasury is a government bureau dedicated to dealing with America's money. They print money, work to keep the economy afloat, and collect taxes.

What institution did southern countries depend on to keep their economy strong?

they depended on slave labor i think

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It's spikes

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Glaze and fat

What is another name for the Southern states?

The southern states have gone by a few different names during the history of the United States. Sometimes they are referred to as the American South, Dixie, or just the south. They were also called the confederate states at one point.

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They are filled with air, which is less dense than water, therefore keeping you afloat.

What is the upthrust needed to keep 1600n afloat?

To find the upthrust needed to keep a 1600 N object afloat, you need to consider the weight of the object. The upthrust must equal the weight of the object for it to stay afloat, so the upthrust required would be 1600 N.

Was there any Confederate gains from its raid into Kentucky in 1862?

Although the optimism of Confederate generals Bragg and Smith fell short with their hopes for Kentucky, their incursion did for the time being keep Chattanooga, Tennessee in Southern control.

When the Southern states seceded in the 1860s most believed the North would not fight to keep them in the Union and thus they formed the Confederate States of America?
