

What was the China incident?

Updated: 9/26/2022
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10y ago

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The China Incident was basically the beginning of the second war between China and Japan in 1937. This incident was the bombing of a major bridge in China.

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Historians generally accept two incidents involving China in the 1930's with Imperial Japan. The first was the "Manchurian Incident" (Mukden Incident-near a famous Russian-Japanese battle from the 1904-1905 war) which occurred in 1931/1933, depending on your source, which entailed the destruction a railroad track in Manchuria, triggering a Japanese military response. The second incident, occurred at or near the "Marco Polo Bridge", in 1937/1939, again according to your source of information. This too, triggered a Japanese military response.

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The Mukden Incident ~ see related link below .

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Claiming Japanese territory was attacked by China. (Apex ;))

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How did the loss of which China? Red China to the communists in 1949; or Nationalist China escaping to Taiwan during the same time frame? Secondly, neither "China" incident contributed to the Korean War...North Korea INVADED South Korea, the US simply reacted to it.

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