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The British had no plan, and neither did the Americans. Both were on the road, the British heading north and the Americans south, looking for the enemy, when they collided, a classic "meeting engagement". After running into one another both sides deployed their men into the linear formations used in that day. The American general, a great pompous fool named Horatio Gates, put all his militia units on the left of his lines. Predictably, these panicked and ran away when the British made a charge, allowing the British to overlap and wrap around that part of the American line which held. Thus those Americans still trying to fight were badly outflanked and subjected to fire from front and side, and soon had to give way. When the day began to go against the Americans Gates mounted his horse and rode away, and did not stop until he reached Hillsborough, North Carolina, covering 160 miles in three days. It took the remnants of his shattered army six weeks to catch up to their fleeing general. Camden is still one of the worst battlefield defeats ever suffered by the US Army.

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Q: What was the British plan in the battle of Camden?
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Who won the battle at camden?

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The Battle of Camden was fought in the American colony of New Jersey. It was fought between the British Army and the Continental Army of the British colony in North America.

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the British were able to establish a strong position in the South A+

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who the f*** cares.................. stupid teachers GOD!!

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Who was the German officer born who was killed at the battle of camden?

Johann de Kalb was the German-born officer who lost his life during the Battle of Camden. The battle was fought on August 16, 1780, and resulted in a victory for the British.

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Battle of Camden happened on 1780-08-16.

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