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It began when Elizabeth I granted a company of 218 merchants a monopoly of trade to the east of the Cape of Good Hope in 1600.

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Q: What was the British East India Company and how did it become so powerful in colonial India?
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What role did women's groups play in promoting colonial resistance?

During the colonial resistance against British Rule, women played an important role by forming a group called "Daughters of Liberty". The women further boycotted British Tea, and also weaved their own clothes to become self-sufficient.

What factors help rome become the most powerful city in the world?

The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.

Who was a man able to become a part of the colonial assembly?


How did Boston become the first major city in colonial America?

The Puritans dominated the Massachusetts Bay Colony and by the early part of the 17th century, Boston was the largest colonial city under British rule. In 1636, the city was large enough to support Harvard University. Its goal was to prepare men for the ministry and to learn ancient Greek and Latin.

Why did the Roman Empire become so powerful?

Because of TRADING

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What did the British do to become more and more powerful in India?

you answer it

What is the explanation for the development of colonial government?

The organization and structure of British colonial governments in America shared destined to become the United States had its own history and development.

What is Cadbury Company's vision and goals?

Cadbury is a British chocolate company. Their vision and goal is to become the world's biggest and best confectionery company.

How did railroad company become some of the most powerful businesses?

by selling the coal for your heaters and for your cars back then.

Why did the British broadcasting company change to the British broadcasting corporation?

A company turns into a corporation when one or more people invest in it (put money in the company to own part of it), the investors then become shareholders and the company's legal status turns into a corporation.

What role did women's groups play in promoting colonial resistance?

During the colonial resistance against British Rule, women played an important role by forming a group called "Daughters of Liberty". The women further boycotted British Tea, and also weaved their own clothes to become self-sufficient.

How did England benefit from having colonies in north America?

England hoped to make more money from new spices and furs, also England hoped to become rich and powerful by establishing colonies in colonial America.

What factors help rome become the most powerful city in the world?

The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.The most powerful factors that helped Rome become most powerful was their army, their determination and their organizational ability.

What was the positive effect of the british colonial rule?

Some positive effects of British colonial rule include the introduction of modern infrastructure such as railways and roads, the establishment of a unified legal system, and the spread of the English language which has become a global lingua franca.

Can India became a powerful country?

Well yeah sure India can definitely become a powerful country. if that's the question then ay country has the potential to become powerful. As a matter of fact India was a powerful country until the British took away all its wealth. After freedom it seems that we have forgotten how to use our freedom and that is why we are in such a bad condition. The politicians are useless busy doing nothing in order to help our country prosper. So its pretty obvious that tour country may have the potential but not the leaders to become a powerful country.

How did the Aztec Empire grow and become more powerful?

how did aztec empire grow and become powerful

What was a difference between government in Colonial America and government in other British colonies?

The American colonies had direct representation through assemblies.Had direct representation through assemblesA difference between government in Britain and government in colonial America was that the colonies were not represented by British parliament.