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It's name was Sue

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Q: What was the Biggest dinosar to lived on land?
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Is the dinosaur the biggest animal?

Sauropod dinosaurs are the biggest land animals ever to have lived on Earth. However, the biggest animal ever is the blue whale. It can be up to 108 ft long and weigh 200 tons.

What is the longest dinosar?

it is the size of 100 football feilds

How do you spell dinosar?

DINOSAUR - an extinct family of large reptilians

What is the biggest animal that has ever lived in the world?

Amphicoelias was a dinosaur that was said to be the biggest animal to ever live but its bones were destroyed in World War II The Blue Whale is the official biggest animal The African Bush Elephant is biggest on Land

Ostriches are the biggest birds ever to have lived-True or False?

False. Elephant birds are the biggest birds ever to have lived.

Which of the seven continents is biggest in land area?

Asia is the biggest in land mass.

Is ther any dinosar games?

Yes a suckish game called dinosawus

What was the biggest complaint of the Romans?

The biggest complaints in Rome were by the masses who lived in poverty