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The Five year plans of the Soviet Union were started Between 1928 and 1932.

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Q: What was the 5 year plan in the soviet union?
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What effect did stalins 5 year plan have on the people of russia?

Soviet Union was rising each five years on the five year plan. That was called as 'pyatiletka' ("пятилетка" in Russian), 'fiveyearing'. That 'pyatiletka' was a plan for each five years in USSR till the fall of USSR.

What are 5 important things Joseph Stalin did?

1) Responsible for the Great Terror and Purges of 1937 2) Soviet dictator during WWII 3) Creator of the first and second 5 year plans (mass industrialization of the soviet union) 4) One of the Leaders of the Red Army in Soviet Civil wars 5) Implemented Collectivization in the Soviet Union

What were Positive outcome of Stalin's 5 year plan?

The achieved their goal of industrializing Russia quickly, but conditions for working didn't matter and people suffered. It didn't help that his plan to gro wmore food failed miserable, causing famine all over the Soviet Union, especially in the Ukraine.

What was the purpose of the 5 year plan?

Stalin's series of three Five Year Plans was intended to rapidly increase the industrial capability of the Soviet Union. They also included provisions for increasing agricultural production as well, but these goals were not met as successfully as those for industrialization.

Who set up a 5 year plan for the operation of the solviet Union?

Joseph Stalin (A+ Anywhere)

What are 5 characteristics of the Soviet Union?

the USSR no longer exists

When did the Soviet Union announce its neutrality?

April 5, 1945

Stalin's attempt to improve the soviet economy?

5 years plan

Were the five year plans successful?

AnswerIn a lot of aspects yes, however there were a lot of things that didn't improve under the 5 year plans such as the living and working conditions of the peasants/workers.AnswerYou need to specify which five year plan - what country, what era, what government. Without more details you will never get a satisfactory answer. Some 5 year plans were successful, others were catastrophic failures. Five year plans are associated with China, the Soviet Union, and India.

When did Pyotr Galadzhev die?

Pyotr Galadzhev died on October 5, 1971, in Soviet Union.

Premier of Soviet Union in 1953?

Stalin was the General Secretary of the USSR in 1953, but he died in March of that year. Prior to the election of Nikita Krushchev in 1958, the USSR was run by a "Committe of 5".

Nitikta Kruschev did what at the United Nations meeting?

Took his shoe off and pounded the podium, claiming that the Soviet Union would "bury you" (referring to the US). He was talking about wheat production -- the USSR always had problems meeting their 5-Year Plan goals in agriculture, and had to buy wheat from other nations, usually Canada and the USA.