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The Macedonians took them over.

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Q: What was superior to the Athenians?
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How did gaining control of the Delian League increase Athen's power?

Because it made a superior navy for the athenians

Are Greeks and athenians the same?

Although Athenians were Greeks, not all Greeks were Athenians.

Are Greeks and Athenians the same thing?

Although Athenians were Greeks, not all Greeks were Athenians.

Are athenians or Spartans the center of the greek culture?

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What are people from Athens called?

People in Athens Greece, were called Athenians(Ath-inee-ins)

How did the athenians win the battle of marathon if they where so outnumbered?

Their armoured infantry were superior to the Persian infantry but were wary of the Persian cavalry on open ground on the plain of Marathon. The Athenians with their ally Plataia lurked in the hills waiting for the Spartans to arrive, but when they saw the Persian cavalry being embarked on the Persian fleet, they took the opportunity to run down and defeat the unprotected Persian infantry.

Where were Athenians rivals from?

Athenians main rivals where from Sparta. They fought in the Peloponnesian wars.

How was family life different for Spartans and athenians?

Because the Spartans had an oligarchy, and the Athenians had a democracy.

Where were the athenians main rivals from?

Athenians main rivals where from Sparta. They fought in the Peloponnesian wars.

What were athenians?


How did the people of Athenians dress?

Athenians dressed in long, heavy robes all year round.

Who played the Trojan horse trick on the Athenians?

No one played the Trojan horse against the Athenians. They are greek