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German concentration camps were mostly extermination or death camps designed to murder the inmates, primarily Jews. Some camps also sent out inmates to be used as slave labor. Slave labor was often outside the camp at a factory, railyard, rock quarry, underground mine, etc. Also all camps used the inmates to perform some sort of work at the camps themselves. All the German camps were operated in total violation of international law and well outside all standard norms of behavior.


One needs to distinguish between the extermination camps and the other concentration camps. (The Auschwitz group of camps and Majdanek were dual purpose camps that combined both functions).

Slave labour usually involved working for up to 11 hours a day, six days a week, on inadequate food, under the supervision of the SS, with savage punishments for even minor breaches of camp discipline.

The work that slave labourers had to do included: quarrying, agricultural labour and working in the chemicals and armaments industries.

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Q: What was slave labor in concentration camps?
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In concentration camps what happen to the people and their families?

They were separated and if it was an extermination camp, those considered unfit for use as slave labor were put to death.

What was some of the labor in the concentration camps of the holocaust?

Here are few Labor Camps which the Nazis used during the Holocaust.Alderney Labor CampArbietsdorf Labor CampBuchenwald Labor CampDachau Labor CampFlossenburg Labor CampPlaszow Labor CampRavensbruck Labor CampSachsenhausen Labor CampPlease see related link for more Labor Camps including Concentration Camps and Extermination Camp.

What groups were sent to both Nazi concentration camps and soviet labor camps?

People with a Polish background were often sent to both Nazi concentration camps and Soviet labor camps. Both Germany and the Soviet Union wanted control of Poland.

Were both Hitler's labor camps and his concentration camps brutal?

Yes, conditions in both kinds of camps were generally appalling.

What were the prisoners meant for in the concentration camps?

The Jews did slave work in the concentration camp. The slave work was building tanks and weapons that he was killing other people with.

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Which line left or right was the death line at the concentration camps?

The right was slave labor, and the left was the gas chambers.

What kind of camps did Hitler?

labor and concentration camps

Was slavery during world war 1 or world war 2?

By 1944 Nazi had 13 main concentration camps and over 500 satellite camps. The concentration camps were not just to murder people but also for free slave labor.

In concentration camps what happen to the people and their families?

They were separated and if it was an extermination camp, those considered unfit for use as slave labor were put to death.

What was some of the labor in the concentration camps of the holocaust?

Here are few Labor Camps which the Nazis used during the Holocaust.Alderney Labor CampArbietsdorf Labor CampBuchenwald Labor CampDachau Labor CampFlossenburg Labor CampPlaszow Labor CampRavensbruck Labor CampSachsenhausen Labor CampPlease see related link for more Labor Camps including Concentration Camps and Extermination Camp.

What did the prisoners do in the concentration camps?

Hard physical labor.

Did Nazis take people to slave labor camps?


What groups were sent to both Nazi concentration camps and soviet labor camps?

People with a Polish background were often sent to both Nazi concentration camps and Soviet labor camps. Both Germany and the Soviet Union wanted control of Poland.

How much money did the Nazis made from the slave labor at the concentration camps during the holocaust?

The Nazis made over 75 million Reichmarks which is equivalent to £156.25 million

Were both Hitler's labor camps and his concentration camps brutal?

Yes, conditions in both kinds of camps were generally appalling.

What were the prisoners meant for in the concentration camps?

The Jews did slave work in the concentration camp. The slave work was building tanks and weapons that he was killing other people with.

Which of the following describes a difference between concentration camps and extermination camps in nazi Germany's?

Concentration camps were used for forced prison labor, while extermination camps were built to kill all prisoners.