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Q: What was received by Chinese merchants when trading with the west?
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What was received when Chinese merchants when trading with the west?


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China was a self-sufficient society.

Why did the Chinese have little interest in trading with the west 10.4.4?

The Chinese government is communist in nature. This means they are self sufficient and can provide for themselves. They are also technologically advanced than most nations, and have a huge standing army. For this and other reasons, they had little to no interest in trading with the West.

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Modern insurance start effect in nigeria early 1920 century that was when early british merchants established trading out post on west africa coast

Why did China break with the west?

The Chinese felt betrayed. Anger and frustration erupted in demonstrations on May 4, 1919, in Beijing. Joined by workers and merchants, the movement spread to major cities. The Chinese representative at Versailles refused to endorse the peace treaty, but its provisions remained unchanged. Disillusioned with the West, many Chinese looked elsewhere for help.

Why was China Traditionally not interested in trading with the west?

China was Traditionally not interested in trading with the west because it was self-sufficient.

Was China traditionally not interested in trading with the West?

China was Traditionally not interested in trading with the west because it was self-sufficient.

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They traded directly with the coastal people of West Africa.

What is the definition of west Africa's trading kingdom?

Mali, Ghana, and Songhai were the west Africa trading kindom. They traded salt and gold using the sahara desert. This was a time period of trading