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Chinese got rich, Americans got rich, China's labor market is a valuable asset to many companies. Also Chinese people don't think like Americans and Europeans in terms of corruption.

Apple loves their plant, Foxconn, in China. That plant creates a lot of value for Americans at a significantly lower cost than a similar plant in America.

Then Americans vetted the Chinese for their labor practices, then suddenly we started hearing less about China. Now here we are today.

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The establishment of agricultural collectives that involved peasants sharing tools and draft animals and taking away private ownership of all farms. Farms became state-run communes. These plans were not popular, so the Chinese government held mandatory meetings where citizens were kept for days until they "voluntarily" agreed. Women were also given more rights, and foot-binding, child marriage, and opium addiction were put to an end. Grain and steel industrialization became key in the CPC's plan for economic development. People's communes, backyard

steel furnaces

in communes and urban areas, and irrigation became the norm. Villagers in the communes were unable to procure enough food to survive because they could no longer sell land as collateral for loans. However, these plans fell through and affected China for several years afterward.

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