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the Soviet Union contributed the most in destroying the third Reich. The Eastern Front was the biggest front and the majority of the Nazi Force were sittuated there. In fact they played such a big role, that many experts agree that if there wasnt a Western Front, it would still hae only been a matter of Tim for the Soviet Union to win.

Ps: Russia was the first country to enter Berlin, it was the country to demolish the reichstag and it still has the trophy eagle, from the reichstag un the Moscow WA museum.

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12y ago
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9y ago

The victory of the Soviet Union over its German opponent in World War II can be attributed to numerous factors. The contributions of Germany's other enemies, especially Great Britain and the United States, were important. The over-confidence and military mistakes of the German leadership were also significant. Primarily, however, it was Soviet endurance, patriotism, superior numbers, and military skill that led to the victory.

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12y ago

Manpower was the single greatest asset available to the USSR in WWII. The vast number of troops, coupled with a disregard for human sacrifice resulted in 27 million or almost half of all the casualties of the war. Sacrifice was the Soviet tactic of choice and because Stalin refused to allow retreat, the battles for Leningrad and Stalingrad became major turning points, and resulted in Germany's defeat. The largest tank battle of WWII was at Kursk in defense of Moscow, where 3,600 T-34 tanks and 1.3 million troopss were thrown at the Germans. (The T-34 was surely the finest tank of the war in speed, protection and firepower, and remained in production until 1958.) As an example of the type of combat the Soviets used, they equipped companies and even battalions as assault units, armed only with the Shpagan submachine gun (PPSh-41). These units (some all women) were to make frontal assaults on Whermacht positions with each man or woman firing his or her 71 round magazine on the run. That weapon alone was produced during the war to a count of six million units.

Sadly, it's typical, but wrong opinion. Great USSR losses mostly consist of civilians, who's been genocided by Germans on occupied territories (about 15 mln). Battle casualities numbered up to 11 mln. Germany lost about 9mln troops, and other axis lost many troops too.

Real USSR military strength was:

- Artillery. Russian tactics heavy rely on suppressing enemy key defence points before attack. During some operations, up to 200 cannons per front's kilometre create a real wall of fire just before attacking troops.

- Surrounding. If Russian troops could break the front line, they send in mobile troops, usually tanks divisions, to cut off and surround big amount of enemy. Then, after enemy cut off and has no support, it coud be beaten easily or imprisoned. During Stalingrad battle, for example, more than 250000 German troops has been imprisoned, including generals.

- At last stages of war, when Russian advance, and Germans defend every town, tactics of mobile storm groups has been developed. Rather small units, consisting of elite troops, sappers, flamethrowers, heavy mashineguns, with support of tanks or artillery carriers wiped out enemy defence locations.

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14y ago

Soviet Union was very powerful. From 1945 to 1985 she spent more money on arms than NATO and USA combined! The Soviets had over 6,000 planes, 1,500 vessels, and 3 million men at their peak in 1983. This was greater than all of Europe and America combined.

In World War 2, Soviets were the country most responsible for stopping German's advances into foreign territory. The loss of life in the U.S.S.R. was 20 million, much greater than any other country's. Still, the Soviets recovered to put both the first satellite in space as well as the first man in space!

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Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.Some countries that are now in the European Union were part of the Soviet Union. Most countries in the European Union were never in the Soviet Union and most former Soviet Union countries are not in the European Union.

Which phrase best characterized ROnald Reagen's policy toward the SOviet Union?

When it came to nuclear weapons, his policy was "trust but verify." In other words if the Soviet Union agreed to stop producing weapons or if they said they were disassembling them we would trust them but we wanted proof. It's kind of like an oxymoron. He did say at one point that the Soviet Union was an evil empire. He described the then Soviet Union as the Empire of Evil.

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When was Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union created?

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