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Both empires built prosperous economies by trading with Europe (Apex)

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12y ago

That they united a variety of different peoples, religions and languages under the rule of one nation. Although there was a dominiering culture and language people from all peoples could work for the state and many different languages were in use in daily life as well as in official institutions. Although German an Turkish were the lingua franka. And of course both had a god given emperor, that did not cared much about democraty (Austria had a parliament, but that had no power).

After WW I both empires were broken into smaller national states.

Other than the empire of lets say England, these countries had no colonies.

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11y ago

The Ottoman and the Safavid empires were both founded by the Turkic nomads, and they had no defined principle of succession which led to civil strife.

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12y ago

Both declined becuase off corruption in their governments.

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12y ago

both were empires

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Did the Ottoman Empire take over the Roman Empire?

No, the Ottoman empire was long after the Roman empire. After the Roman empire, the byzantine empire followed. The Ottoman Turks did, however, take over the Byzantine captial of Constanope renaming it Istanbul.

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The Roman empire died in 1453 when it was conquered by the Ottoman empire.

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In 1453, the Ottoman Empire invaded and took over Constantinople, changing the name to Istanbul, among other things. Istanbul became the third capital city of the Ottoman Empire, and became an Islamic city, rather than a Roman one.

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You do not specify which eastern empire you are referring to. If you mean the Byzantine Empire, which is a term used by historians to refer to the eastern part of the Roman Empire after the fall of its western part, it fell in 1453, when the Ottoman Turks captured its capital, Constantinople.

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