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Q: What was one response to the communist take over of China by the US?
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Did communist take over china?


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List the main events in the communist take over in China?

Japan takes over China and then uses the Chinese emperer as a doll to rule the people. After that, Mao Zedong and Chang Chi Shek take over the Japanese ruling body. Mao Zedong takes primary position later and led the communist regime through China.

How did the fall of china lead the second red scare?

The fall of china lead to communist control. With this communist control take over, it made the reactionary forces in the United States scared that communism would expand.

When or ever will the USA take over China?

Never, because china is a giant country with an overwhelming population. The usa would not disrupt its trade with china even though it is a disgusting communist nation

What year did communists take over china?

There's not a real date but it's agreed "By 1945 much of northern China was under Communist control."

In late 1980s what did china begin to do about farms?

In the 1980s, communist China tried to take over farmer land. Farmers were allowed to keep their land, provided that they paid a share of their income to the state.

How did the superpowers take sides with the two China's?

The US allied itself with Taiwan. Russia allied itself with communist mainland China.

When and under whose leadership did the communist revolution take place in china?

under the leadrtship of mao

What was the American struggle of the Vietnam war?

To prevent the communist take over of the NON-communist Republic of South Vietnam, by Communist NORTH Vietnam.

When did communist take over mainland china?

Communists (advocates of the abolition of the wages system and establishment of a classless society) have never taken power in China or anywhere else. In 1949 China became a state capitalist country.

What step did Jiang Jieshi take to unify china in 1925?

He teamed his Nationalist forces with Communist forces