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Superior technology from the old world and a lack of resistance by new world peoples to diseases brought to them from the old world. (The latter being the greatest factor).

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Q: What was one reason for the Europeans success in conquering the new world?
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What was a reason for the Europeans success in conquering the new world?

example of history introduction

What was the reason for the Europeans success in conquering the new world was that Native Americans?

Had no natural protection from diseases brought by Europeans.

What was One reason for the Europeans success in conquering in the new world was that native Americans?

Had no natural protection from diseases brought by Europeans.

What was the one reason for the Europeans success in conquering the new world was that native Americans?

Had no natural protection from diseases brought by Europeans.

One reason for the Europeans success in conquering the new world was that native Americans?

Had no natural protection from diseases brought by Europeans

One reason for the Europeans' success in conquering the New World was that Native Americans?

Had no natural protection from diseases brought by Europeans.

Why are Europeans so set on conquering the world?

I wasn't aware that they were. Have you been there lately?

The most likely reason for European success in conquering the American Indian population is?

I was having trouble with this question as well. All of the answers seemed too specific or ambiguous, so I said the most likely reason was the superiority of European culture: it seemed like an all-encompassing answer.

What was the major reason so many Native Americans died after the first Europeans arrived in the New World?

Small pox. The natives had no resistence to diseases the europeans carried to the new world.

Which was NOT a reason the Europeans began importing slaves to their colonies?

Europeans imported slaves to America to work the fields. They did not bring slaves over to give them freedom in the New World.

What did the Europeans call the Mongols?

They called them Tartars, which meant people from Hell (They called Hell Tartarus, from an ancient root word). The Mongols were some of the most fearsome peoples of the ancient world, known for conquering kingdoms with violence and without mercy.

How did the Europeans explore the New World?

The Europeans explored the New World with ships.