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One of the significant changes in atmosphere in Jefferson's administration was the number of common people involved in government.

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Q: What was one of the significant changes in atmosphere in Jefferson's administration was?
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One of the significant changes in atmosphere in Jefferson's administration was the number of common people involved in government.?

Yes, one of the significant changes in atmosphere in Jefferson's administration was that there were more common people involved in government.

Was one of the significant changes in atmosphere in Jefferson's administration was the number of common people involved in government?

Yes, one of the significant changes in atmosphere in Jefferson's administration was that there were more common people involved in government.

What has changed the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere?

Historically, the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere has fluctuated due to natural factors such as volcanic activity, changes in plant and algae populations, and variations in Earth's climate. Human activities, such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels, have also contributed to changes in the oxygen levels, although these changes are not significant enough to have a noticeable impact on the overall composition of the atmosphere at this time.

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What is the moons atmosphere like?

The Moon does not have a significant atmosphere. It is very thin and consists mostly of trace amounts of elements like neon, helium, and hydrogen. The lack of atmosphere contributes to the Moon's extreme temperature changes between day and night.

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b i t c h

What were the main components of Earth earliest atmosphere?

Earth's earliest atmosphere consisted primarily of hydrogen, helium, methane, and ammonia. There were also traces of water vapor and carbon dioxide. Over time, volcanic activity and the emergence of life led to significant changes in the composition of the atmosphere.

Why are small changes in the amount of trace gasses are so important in heating Earth's atmosphere?

Small changes in the amount of trace gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, can have a big impact on the Earth's atmosphere because they act as greenhouse gases. These gases trap heat from the sun in the atmosphere, causing the Earth's temperature to increase. Even slight increases in these gases can lead to significant changes in the Earth's climate, resulting in global warming and its associated effects.

Does composition of the atmosphere change with elevation?

Yes, the composition of the atmosphere changes with elevation. As you go higher in elevation, the air becomes less dense and there is a decrease in the concentration of gases like oxygen. This can have implications for breathing and physical exertion at high altitudes.

Which of the following layers of the atmosphere were most influenced by the transition from atmosphere III to the modern atmosphere?

The transition from atmosphere III to the modern atmosphere most significantly influenced the composition and structure of the troposphere and stratosphere. These layers experienced changes in gas concentrations, particularly with respect to oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, which had a significant impact on climate and weather patterns.

How has the earths atmosphere changed during the Precambrian time?

During the Precambrian time, the Earth's atmosphere lacked free oxygen, and the early atmosphere was likely composed of gases such as methane, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. Throughout the Precambrian, there were significant changes in atmospheric composition due to volcanic activity and the evolution of photosynthetic organisms that contributed oxygen to the atmosphere.

What is a atmophere sentence?

The atmosphere was laden with moisture. The atmosphere constantly changes.