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more education, learning better manners and etiquette and above all, proper grammar.

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Q: What was one of the few ways that a boy from a peasant family could rise to a higher social class?
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What did social diversity do in the medieval ages?

In the Middle Ages there was no social diversity. People were born into a class of people and that is where they stayed. If they were a peasant they stayed a peasant, a serf stayed a serf, clergy stayed with the church, and the nobility stayed in their class. A noble didn't marry a peasant and a peasant didn't become educated since there were no schools. There was no upward mobility within the society.

Is peasant the lowest social group in ancient Egyptian?

The lowest class of people in ancient Egypt were slaves.

What was the prioress' social class?

middle class - she would have been respected as a nun so she would not have been a peasant but would not have owned any property or wealth as the aristocracy would have

What is a serf peasant?

Vinton G. Serf is the Vice President and Chief internet Evangelist at Google.

What are the two social classes in the early Roman Republic?

The highest social class in ancient Rome was the patrician class. This does not necessarily mean a wealthy class, as many patricians had lost much of their family fortunes over the years. It was a social standing based on birth or senatorial or imperial appointment.The highest social class in ancient Rome was the patrician class. This does not necessarily mean a wealthy class, as many patricians had lost much of their family fortunes over the years. It was a social standing based on birth or senatorial or imperial appointment.The highest social class in ancient Rome was the patrician class. This does not necessarily mean a wealthy class, as many patricians had lost much of their family fortunes over the years. It was a social standing based on birth or senatorial or imperial appointment.The highest social class in ancient Rome was the patrician class. This does not necessarily mean a wealthy class, as many patricians had lost much of their family fortunes over the years. It was a social standing based on birth or senatorial or imperial appointment.The highest social class in ancient Rome was the patrician class. This does not necessarily mean a wealthy class, as many patricians had lost much of their family fortunes over the years. It was a social standing based on birth or senatorial or imperial appointment.The highest social class in ancient Rome was the patrician class. This does not necessarily mean a wealthy class, as many patricians had lost much of their family fortunes over the years. It was a social standing based on birth or senatorial or imperial appointment.The highest social class in ancient Rome was the patrician class. This does not necessarily mean a wealthy class, as many patricians had lost much of their family fortunes over the years. It was a social standing based on birth or senatorial or imperial appointment.The highest social class in ancient Rome was the patrician class. This does not necessarily mean a wealthy class, as many patricians had lost much of their family fortunes over the years. It was a social standing based on birth or senatorial or imperial appointment.The highest social class in ancient Rome was the patrician class. This does not necessarily mean a wealthy class, as many patricians had lost much of their family fortunes over the years. It was a social standing based on birth or senatorial or imperial appointment.

Related questions

What is the name of a farmer of low social class?

A peasant may be a farmer of low social class.

What social class was the medieval gamekeeper in?

The gamekeeper would have been in the peasant class.

What class was Joan of Arc in the Middle Ages?

Joan was from the peasant class. They family was not destitute but was far from wealthy.

What did social diversity do in the medieval ages?

In the Middle Ages there was no social diversity. People were born into a class of people and that is where they stayed. If they were a peasant they stayed a peasant, a serf stayed a serf, clergy stayed with the church, and the nobility stayed in their class. A noble didn't marry a peasant and a peasant didn't become educated since there were no schools. There was no upward mobility within the society.

What is the name of a member of a class of low social status?

A pejorative term often used to refer to a member of a class of low social status is "commoner" or "peasant".

What has the greatest effect on one's social class?

Birth: the family you were born in. Later in life, a good education and a succesful career can take you up into a higher social class. But someone born into a socially high-end family will usually still be considered a member of his family's social class even if he or she is not much of an achiever.

What class of people were higher than lords?

Lords (more generally: the nobles of a country) are usually seen as the highest social class. Only the royal family of a country is rated still higher.

Is peasant the lowest social group in ancient Egyptian?

The lowest class of people in ancient Egypt were slaves.

Was Jesus a peasant?

Well he wasnt rich and sure not in a middle class family he was poor but good hearted.

How does a family's social class position shapes the process of socialization?

A family's social class position can influence the values, beliefs, and opportunities available to children, which in turn shapes how they are socialized. Children from higher social class families may be socialized to value education and professional success, while children from lower social class families may be socialized to prioritize resilience and resourcefulness in the face of economic challenges. Additionally, social class can impact the types of networks and experiences children are exposed to, influencing their socialization process.

How did the Egyptian social hierarchy start?

Pharaoh higher class middle class lower class

What was the prioress' social class?

middle class - she would have been respected as a nun so she would not have been a peasant but would not have owned any property or wealth as the aristocracy would have