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The first pitched battle won by the Confederates was that of First Bull Run.

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First Bull Run

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Q: What was one of the early battles of the civil war won by the confederates?
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What was the first battle that one of the early battles of the civil war was won by the confederates?

Perhaps the first significant and major battle won by the South was the First Battle of Bull Run. This battle woke up the North and was an indication that the Confederacy would prove to be a dangerous foe.

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Site of one of grant's bloody battles with the confederates near Richmond?

The Wilderness

What side did Arkansas support in the civil war?

The Confederates. It was one of the Upper South states that were the last to join the Confederates.

Site of one of Grant's bloody battles with the Confederates near Richmond in 1864?

Battle of Antietam

What was the battle during the civil war that was on a creek?

Almost every Civil War battle was on a creek. There was bound to be one somewhere on the battlefield. The Confederates called the battles after the nearest town; the Yankees named the same battle after the most prominent body of water nearby. So, for instance, the Battle of Antietam is usually known by that Yankee-given name, for Antietam Creek. The Rebels called it Sharpsburg. Another was what the Confederates called the First and Second Battles of Manassas. The Yankees called these Bull Run. A "run" is a big creek in that part of Virginia, the bulls were buffalo seen there by early settlers.

What was one of the early battles in the civil war?

First Bull Run/Manassas was the first pitched battle - July 1861. Neither army was anywhere near ready for operations. The Union had the advantage in artillery, and appeared to be winning on account of it. But one Confederate unit was wearing blue uniforms, and the gunners thought they were friend, not foe. This swung the battle in favour of the Confederates. However the Confederates were not able to pursue and destroy the Union army, and the battle had no significant result.

What was the name of one of the battles of the civil war?


What was the significance of the early battles of the east?

In the early battles of the US Civil War, one significant factor was the South's ability to protect Richmond, Virginia and win key battles such as the two battles of Bull Run. Also of importance was the failure of the Union's Peninsula campaign. These early victories in the East gave the Confederacy confidence and at the same time caused much popular and political criticism of the way the Lincoln administration was running the war.

What battles were fought in Gettysburg?

The only one was during the Civil War.

How many confederates where in the civil war?

During the war, approximately one million men fought for the Confederacy

Why was the civil war held in Gettysburg?

it wasn't that was just one of the main battles.