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Q: What was one main difference between the Spanish colonization of the Philippines and the Portuguese strongholds in the Indian Ocean Basin?
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What was a major difference between the Spanish and Portuguese accomplishments during the age of exploration?

The Portuguese were the first to sail directly from Europe to India, while the Spanish were the first to sail directly to the Caribbean.

Is there a quality difference in belgium made portuguese assembled from strictly belgium made assembled high power?


What is the difference between peninsulares and insulares?

During the Spanish occupation in the Philippines, peninsulares refers to the full-blooded Spaniards who were born in the Iberian peninsula. Insulares, on the other hand, refers to full-blooded Spaniards born in the Philippines. And one of the classes below is the spanish.

History of Portugal?

Portugal's history, is basically the exact same as Spain. For Portugal and Spain have mirroring histories. Portugal, was part of the Roman Empire. Part of the ancient Roman province of Hispania which was the entire Iberian Peninsula. Then, Portugal became a seperate Roman province known as Lusitania. Muslim forces, known was the Moors then conquered what is now Portugal and Spain. After the Muslims were driven out, Portugal became a country. The Portuguese language, orginated from the same language as Spanish, the Latin language. The Portuguese language, also has origins from Spain, from the Galician language, which turned into Galician-Portuguese. Portugal and Spain, became colonial powers during the Age of Imperialism. Portugal owned, territories in South America, Africa and Southeast Asia. Both empires signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, which gave western South America to Spain and east South America to Portugal. So Brazilians speak Portuguese, as the national language. Think of Portugal, basically like Spain without the Spanish language. For Portuguese and Spanish people are basically, sister ethnicities. The only real difference is that the Portuguese government today is a demoratic, and Spain's government is a monarchy. Both countries have their own languages.

What are the difference between Korea and Japan?

Korea is by the 38th parallel, about even with Oregon & California. The Philippines are around the 15th parallel about even with Central America (El Salvador, Costa Rica, etc.).

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What is the difference between Philippines and Mexico?

Mexico is located in North America and south of Texas. The Philippines is located in Southeast Asia. The Philippines and Mexico does have something in common: Spanish Colonization. From 1565 to 1821, the Philippines was part of Mexico when Mexico was NEW SPAIN. And New Spain is now modern-day Mexico.

What was the primary difference between the Spanish and Portuguese empires?

The primary difference between the Spanish and Portuguese empires was their geographical focus and their colonial strategies. The Spanish empire focused on the Americas, particularly Central and South America, while the Portuguese empire focused on maritime exploration and colonization in Africa, Asia, and Brazil. The Portuguese established a vast trading network, while the Spanish sought to extract valuable resources, such as gold and silver, from their American colonies.

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Difference between Ecuador and Philippines is 13 hours.

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The Silang Revolt happened during the British occupation of the Philippines during the Spanish colonization period. Don't get confused, it's still the Spanish period. The British actually asked the help of Diego Silang to overthrow the Spanish Rule. -Leo Amadeus Ruiz. :)

What is the time difference between Malaysia and the Philippines?

there is no time difference between Malaysia and Philippines. =)

How many hours did Utah difference in the Philippines?

The time difference between Utah, USA and the Philippines is typically 14 hours. Utah is 14 hours behind the Philippines.

What does Brazil's writing look like?

It looks like Portuguese because it is Portuguese. The difference between the Portuguese spoken in Portugal and the one in Brazil is more or less the same as the difference existing between UK English and USA English (in the same order).

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The time difference between the Philippines and Taipei is one hour, with Taipei being one hour ahead of the Philippines.

What is the difference between the Philippines and Malaysia when it comes to religion?

The main difference between the Philipines and Malaysia is that Malaysia has more Muslims and the Philippines have more christians.

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There is never a time difference between Singapore and the Philippines. 8 PM SGT = 8 PM PHT

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The Philippines are 2½ hours ahead of India.