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Q: What was one cause of the outbreak of the Red Scare?
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What characterized the red scare?

The Red Scare was people being worried about communist take over of the United States. There was one Red Scare in the 1920s and one in the 1950s.

What factors characterized the red scare.?

The Red Scare was people being worried about communist take over of the United States. There was one Red Scare in the 1920s and one in the 1950s.

How many people died during the Red Scare?

no one died as a result of the "Red Scare"!

What did Americans see as a solution to the red scare?

the answer wass communism and war. If everyoe fought there would be no one else to be in the red scare

How was the red scare different from the Salem witch hunts?

The two big differences are: 1. Salem caused 20 executions. The Red Scare killed no one. 2. There were no witches in Salem but there were real communists in the world during the red scare.

What U.S. senator Was responsible for the red scare?

No one US Senator was responsible. Joseph McCarthy is the Senator popularly linked to the Red Scare because he was the one most often publicized.

One effect of the red scare?

the trial and execution of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti.

How did the post world war 2 red scare compare to the one after ww1?

They were both red scares and anticommunists regimes. There was more propaganda in WW1 red scare than the WW2 one. Both were known as "fighting an invisible enemy" because of the fact that both scares were fear based

What one was not a result of the red scare?

President Harry Truman spoke out against witch hunting

How do you kill a red lion if it takes two boltshots and you have one?

Just scare the red lion. Then it would turn yellow and only yellow lions need one shot to die.

What field of work was persecuted most during the red scare?

The entertainment industry, particularly Hollywood, was one of the fields of work most persecuted during the Red Scare. Many actors, directors, and writers were blacklisted or accused of being communists, leading to the ruins of many careers and lives.

What is a Pokemon outbreak?

A Pokemon outbreak is when a Pokemon from another game can be found in a certain location for one day only. The location of the outbreak changes daily.