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Q: What was on result of the interaction between Arabs and Africans?
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What group did east africans countries often trade with?

East Africans traded most often with Arabs and Asians.

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What ethnic groups are in Oman?

Omanis, Africans, other Arabs and many Filipinos

Who did the Arabs trader trade with?

The Arabs trader trade with Africans also for the slave trade they trade in India, china central Africa and other places in the east.

Why do you think the Arabs and Africans in east African port towns developed a common language?

I think...

What were the relationships of Arabs and non-Arabs in the conquered territories?

The relationship between Arabs and Non-Arabs in conquered territories were actually very peacful, this is because the Arabs did not harm civillians when taking over Non-Arab Territories, those that were non-Arab were simply asked if they would like to stay or not (under Arab rule) the Arabs did not pressure the non - Arabs in any other way, most lived happily as a result. (research the crusades for more information)

WHY was the conflict between north Sudan and southern Sudan?

The Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and Justice and Equality Movement (Jem) began attacking government targets in early 2003, accusing Khartoum of oppressing black Africans in favour of Arabs. Darfur, which means land of the Fur, has faced many years of tension over land and grazing rights between the mostly nomadic Arabs, and farmers from the Fur, Massaleet and Zaghawa communities.

What groups did east African countries most often trade with?

East Africans traded most often with Arabs and Asians.

Where the moors originated from?

The Moors were medieval Muslims who took up residence on the Iberian peninsula. They included Arabs, Berbers, and Africans.

What are the major ethnic groups Algeria?

The main ethnic groups in Algeria are the Berbers, Romans, Byzantines, Phoenicians, Turks, Arabs, and Sub-Saharan Africans. Berbers are the original inhabitants of Algeria.

What group from africa invaded spain and stayed there for several centuries?

The Africans alone couldn't have hoped to try and eliminate Spain. The arabs and african arabs (moors) invaded Spain in what was known as the Muslim conquests.

Ho were africans viewed until 1640?

I'm not sure what you are asking. Africa is a continent, not a country, comprised of Arabs (Libya, Morocco,Algieria,Egypt) that would be Arabs and the the southern/central part which is populated primarily by blacks ( Chad, Nigeria, Uganda, Zaire, Sierra Leone et al) So, which Africans are you asking about?