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The four causes of The Great Depression were: D- Distribution of Income (was unequal) E- Economy (Huge BOOM so there had to be a huge bust) E- Easy Credit (Anyone can buy on money was being circulated. All I Owe you's) M- Mechanization (Machines were taking over the jobs of people)
A cause that started the Great Depression was the crash of stock markets.

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13y ago
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14y ago

There was no single one cause of the Great Depression. Actually there were multiple causes that lead up to the Great Depression. First of all there were major bank failures in the United States as well as the Stock Market Crash which led to a wide scale loss of consumer confidence and the reduction in consumer spending. The Federal Reserved made mistakes as well as the decrease in the money supply.

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9y ago

One of the causes of the Great Depression was World War 1. This completely messed up the industries which in turn affected production and this resulted into an economic crisis.

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