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The right to raise children

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Q: What was not an issue for women in the late 1800s?
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Did french women have jobs in the late 1800s?

yes french woman had jobs in the late 1800s .they worked by cleaning and cooking

Unlike African American men which was true about women in the late 1800s?

Women did not have the legal right to vote

What opportunities did women have in the late 1800s?

There were none because their wives had them all by having the women's rights movement accepted.

How did reformers affect the lives of women and other groups in the late 1800s?

By giving them a voice

What year did Little Women take place?

late 1800s (during/after the civil war)

What would a women farmer do in the late 1800s?

In he late 1800s in the United States, women could not vote. Very few women did paid work unless they were domestic workers, factory workers, or teachers.

How did reformers change women's education?

well in the late 1800s women were able to go get a an education so that is how women got education

How did technological advances in the late 1800s change women's work in the home?

It became less time consuming.

Increasing number of them took jobs in mills factories offices and stores during the late 1800s and early 1900s?


What was Hawaii's leading export in the late 1800s?

hawaii's leading export in the late 1800s was SUGAR.

Why was there a rush of inventions in the late 1800s?

because there just was that's why there was a rush of inventions in the late 1800s

Which issue caused the greatest argument between progressives and conservatives during the late 1800s and early 1900s?

Whether or not government should regulate businesses.