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Q: What was not a general characteristic of an economic depression?
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Which conditions are most characteristic of an economic depression?

Few jobs and little demand

Policy that influences inflation unemployment taxes and general economic prosperity or depression is called?

economic policy

Is the US in an economic depression?

what is an economic depression?

Who started the Great Depression?

the people in general. general loss of confidence in the economic future caused the wall street crash of October 1929

What is the difference between an economic recession and an economic depression?

An economic recession is "an extended decline in general business activity, typically three consecutive quarters of falling real gross national product and gross demostic product." An economic depression is "a period of drastic decline in a national or international economy.


The Great Depression

How was China affected by the Great Depression?

China was severely affected by the Great Depression. The economic status of the country become worse and the general cost of living become unbearable.

What is major depression?

an episode of depression characteristic of major depressive disorder

What is an example economic depression?

The Great Depression

What was the economic characteristic of the colony of New Hampshire?

A economic characteristic of New Hampshire is rich soil.

What happens during an economic depression?

During an economic depression threes a lack of economic activity that can last for several years.

What is the opposite of economic depression?

Economic prosperity.